Thursday, 16 March 2017

About me

About me 

My name is Laura (or 'LaLa' as my nieces and nephews call me) and I live in Portishead; a town in Bristol, UK with my husband and baby daughter, Bonnie.  I am 27 years young, 5ft 1, (my body shape is more 'out' than 'up') and I love food. (which explains the 'out' and not 'up' body type!) I am a 'Slimming Worlder' and a new mum certainly trying to 'wing it' when it comes to motherhood. I am stubborn, very honest, and am just trying to do the best job i can in raising my daughter to be happy, healthy, have courage, and be kind. 
I have wanted to start a blog for a while, and have been told by so many people to do it, but have always just assumed no one would really care what I had to say. But since having my daughter and struggling with different aspects of being a new mum, I wanted to share my honest account of my journey through motherhood. The good amazing moments, the 'is 2pm too early for wine' moments, and the 'is it just me' and 'I am just shit at this' moments. Because even though I am so lucky to be blessed with a child of my own, its not always rainbows and butterflies, is it.
So this is me. Sharing my full experience of a 9 month maternity leave and I am really excited about it. I hope you enjoy reading and hopefully getting some comfort along the way. Because you are not the only one. There are so many people feeling the same emotions. And I am ready to share mine with you! 

All my Love, La La x

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